SetUserFTA 2.0 statuspage

You can follow the development process and roadmap here:

✅ “get” accepts extensions and protocols to filter the output
✅ multiple filetypes or protocols can be associated in one command
✅ delete multiple associations at once
✅ UTF file support
✅ find command which can list all associated extensions for a ProgId
✅ “-norefresh” argument: only writes registry values, but does not refresh explorer
✅ “update” command line: force explorer to refresh the filetype associations
✅ verbose output with “-verbose” command line argument

⏳ full functionality of SetDefaultBrowser with additional options
⏳ export associations directly to a file
⏳ exclude group membership with the ! character (NOT member of)
⏳ multiple new command line options
⏳ verbose logging
⏳ a lot of additional error handling and input verification
⏳ proper error code returning (to use in scripts)

More ideas, but probably implemented only after the release of 2.0
📅 standalone non-console version
📅 scan registry for broken associations

❌ remove support for Windows 8 and Server 2012 or Windows 10 before 1709
❌ remove support for Edge Legacy

Missing a feature? You can send us a suggestion over this link: Feature Suggestion